Buteo rufinus (Long-legged Buzzard)

Scientific name: Buteo rufinus (Cretzschmar, 1829)

Bird group: Birds-of-prey

Field characters. Length 50-65 cm; wingspan 126-155 cm. Difficult to distinguish from Common Buzzard (especially race vulpinus of latter), but somewhat larger and heavier. Plumage as variable as in Buzzard, ranging from warm rufous-brown with blotched creamy white underparts to rare melanistic phase with very dark brown underparts. Head and tail usually pale, the latter without distinct bands. In flight underparts conspicuously white, except for dark wing-tips, carpal patches and thighs. Except for size and outline, juvenile hard to distinguish from young Steppe Buzzard; tail faintly but densely barred.

Voice. Call is a sharp 'mew'.

Distribution. Rare summer visitor in the south-eastern part of Europe.

Habitat. Frequents lowland arid and semi-arid steppes and semi-desert; usually nests on ledges of cliffs etc.

Food. Detects prey during circling flight or from perch or on the ground. Feeds mainly on small mammals, reptiles, and large insects; also small to medium-sized birds.

Eggs. Rarely uniform, otherwise with variable marks, sometimes plentiful. Ground colour dull white/tinged green, marks grey/brown/purple. Texture granular, not glossy. Shape subelliptical/short subelliptical. Size 60 x 47 mm (54-66 x 44-50), weight 73 g.