Gypaetus barbatus (Lammergeier (Bearded Vulture))

Scientific name: Gypaetus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Birds-of-prey

Field characters. Length 100-115 cm; wingspan 245-272 cm. Differs from other large vultures in longer and narrower wings and diamond-shaped tail with flight silhouette suggesting huge falcon. Adult with black-brown upperparts, wings, and tail, contrasting with orange-yellow body and yellow-white head; black patch extending from base of bill to around eye; drooping beard-tuft at chin. Juvenile with more dark and uniform plumage, dirty buff underbody, and shorter beard.

Voice. Generally silent; during display it utters screaming and whistling notes

Distribution. Local and rare resident.

Habitat. Mountainous, wild, remote terrains; adapted to both hunting and scavenging.

Food. Scavenges on bones and meat from freshly killed mammals, reptiles, and birds, looking for food during searching flight. Bones may be swallowed whole or shattered by dropping onto rocks until marrow exposed.