Oxyura leucocephala (White-headed Duck)

Scientific name: Oxyura leucocephala (Scopoli, 1769)

Bird group: Ducks

Field characters. 43-48 cm. A medium-sized, short-necked duck distinguishable by large head, dumpy body, and long, stiff tail which is often characteristically cocked. Male has white head with black crown and bright blue bill with swollen base; neck black, breast and upper tail chestnut, flanks and upperparts vermiculated grey-brown; belly white mottled with grey; upper wing grey-brown. Female with whitish cheeks crossed by dark brown line, whitish chin, and lower throat, and dark brown crown and nape; bill dark leaden. Rest of plumage of female vermiculated grey-brown; belly mottled grey-brown. Juvenile as female but duller and paler.

Voice. Generally silent. During courtship male utters grunting and piping calls.

Distribution. Rare resident; threatened.

Habitat. Breeds on small, shallow pools or parts of lakes flanked with dense, emergent aquatic vegetation.

Food. Food mostly obtained by surface-diving. Omnivorous, taking plant material (leaves of aquatic plants, seeds of rushes, seaweeds) and animal prey (insect larvae, molluscs, crustaceans).

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour creamy-white/white, often becoming stained during incubation. Shape subelliptical. Size 62 x 46 mm (60-68 x 43-48), weight 76 g (64-88).