Polysticta stelleri (Steller's Eider)

Scientific name: Polysticta stelleri (Pallas, 1769)

Bird group: Ducks

Field characters. 43-47 cm. Much smaller than Common Eider with more squarish head. Adult male with white/light green head, black eye-patch, green tufts on side of crown and black chin, throat and neck-collar; upper parts dark streaked with white; underparts buff with black spot on side of chest. Females are very dark red-brown with purple-bluish secondaries and tertials and conspicuous white wingbars, forming a speculum (like Mallard). Juvenile is somewhat paler than female. Male in eclipse resembles female but with a hint of male's head and neck markings. Often together in compact flocks; dive simultaneously.

Voice. Relatively silent. Female utters rapid guttural calls in winter flocks.

Distribution. Arctic Russia, possible in N Norway.

Habitat. Breeds along arctic coastal belt within tundra zone.

Food. Saltwater invertebrates; in freshwater also insects.

Eggs. Unmarked; blunt ovate; coloured light olive to olive-buff. Size 61 x 45 mm (56-68 x 38-48), weight 55 g (52-59).