Branta ruficollis (Red-breasted Goose)

Scientific name: Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769)

Bird group: Geese

Field characters. 53-56 cm. Small goose with unmistakable pattern of black, white and chestnut-red.

Voice. Shrill, loud "kee-kwa" or "ka-ak".

Distribution. Breeds on riverbanks in N Siberia; winters in Rumania, Bulgaria and NE Greece. In western Europe rare but annual in groups of wintering Barnacle or Brent Geese.

Habitat. Breeds on clay cliffs along rivers, less often on small islands in lakes, usually near bird of prey like falcon or Snowy Owl.

Food. In breeding area mostly grasses. In winter area also glasswort, maize stubble, or shoots of other crops.

Eggs. Unmarked; ground colour yellowish-white/light buff. Size 71x 49 mm (61-72 x 44-49), weight 90 g.