Branta bernicla (Brent Goose)

Scientific name: Branta bernicla (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Geese

Field characters. 55-60 cm. Smallest and darkest of all "black geese" (about the size of Mallard) with dull black head, neck and upper breast and a whitish patch on sides of neck (absent in juvenile); upperparts slate to dark grey-brown, upper and under tail-coverts pure white. B. b. bernicla from Northern Russia has dark lower breast and flanks, B. b. hrota from Greenland and Spitsbergen much paler. More often close to sea than other geese; rarely found inland. Extremely gregarious; feeds along coast-line, mainly during the day. Flies swiftly, with conspicuous white tail and vent; flock-shape irregular.

Voice. Often silent, but very noisy during flight and on water. Note is a guttural "rronk".

Distribution. Common winter visitor along coasts and estuaries.

Habitat. Frequents coast-lines and estuaries, preferably with extensive tidal flats; may rest at sea during high tide. Breeds predominantly on grassy tundra near seacoasts or along river valleys.

Food. Obtains food by grazing on land and in shallow water. In winter quarters it feeds on Eel-grass, green algae, and salt marsh plants. On the breeding ground it takes mosses, lichens, grasses, and other tundra plants.

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour creamy-white/yellow-white/green-white/light olive, becoming stained during incubation. Texture fine granular, not glossy. Shape very variable. Size 71x 47 mm (64-84 x 42-52), weight (69-83).