Anser albifrons (White-fronted Goose)

Scientific name: Anser albifrons (Scopoli, 1769)

Bird group: Geese

Field characters. 65-78 cm. Smaller and darker than Greylag. Adult differs from Greylag Goose, Bean Goose, and Pink-footed Goose in large, white patch at base of bill, irregular black bars on breast, and orange legs. Siberian race albifrons has pink bill, Greenland race flavirostris has orange bill. Upper flanks edged white, forming distinct line; vent and under tail-coverts white. Fore-wing slightly paler than rest, but otherwise no obvious pattern. Juveniles without white forehead, black bars on belly absent, plumage browner and more mottled; solitary juveniles may be confused with Greylag Goose but White-fronted smaller and with orange legs.

Voice. Flight note a high-pitched and "laughing" two-syllable note: "kow-yow" or lyo-lyck".

Distribution. Does not breed in the area but is a common winter visitor in North Sea countries, parts of Italy, Balkan countries and Greece.

Habitat. Outside breeding season, frequents large lowland pastures, meadows, marshes, or arable fields under clover and cereals.

Food. In winter quarters, grazes on leaves, stems, tubers, stolons, and seeds. Hardly any data from breeding grounds.

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour white with pale straw tinge, becoming stained brown or yellow during incubation. Texture smooth/very fine granular, slightly glossy/not glossy. Shape subelliptical. Size 79 x 53 mm (72-89 x 47-59), weight 114g (97-126) for eggs laid in captivity.