Ciconia nigra (Black Stork)

Scientific name: Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Storks

Field characters. 95-100 cm. Form, flight and carriage as White Stork, but plumage mainly glossy black, except for the white breast, belly, and under tail-coverts. Bill and legs red. Usually shy and solitary in habits. Juveniles browner on head and neck, and upperparts less glossy; legs and bill grey-green.

Voice. On nest a clear and drawn out "chee lee chee lee".

Distribution. Regular breeding bird, mainly in eastern part of the area.

Habitat. Builds nest in large old trees, on cliff ledges or in caves. Prefers undisturbed forested areas with streams, pools, swamps and banks of rivers.

Food. Mainly fish, but also frogs, salamanders, insects, and to a lesser extent small mammals, crustaceans, snakes, lizards. Feeds by stalking through water.

Eggs. Without markings, becoming cloudy light brown during incubation due to soiling. Ground colour white/translucent green. Texture chalky, very finely granulated, sometimes with small notches. Shape subelliptical/short subelliptical/elliptical. Size 65 x 49 mm (60-72 x 44-53), weight 86 g.