Ardea purpurea (Purple Heron)

Scientific name: Ardea purpurea Linnaeus, 1766

Bird group: Bitterns and Herons

Field characters. 78-90 cm. Differs from Grey Heron in smaller size, and at short distance by decidedly darker plumage. Back and wings slate-grey, with scapulars elongated and pale chestnut in breeding season. Crown and crest black; breast chestnut with some black at sides; strongly striped, rufous neck. Juveniles more sandy, with chestnut crown and without black stripes on head and neck. Head and neck more "snaky" than Grey Heron. In flight with coiled neck and more marked concavity where base of neck joins breast, and with longer toes than Grey Heron; also flies with more rapid wing-beats.

Voice. Similar to that of Grey Heron, but generally silent away from colony.

Distribution. Local breeding bird of small to relatively large colonies.

Habitat. Breeds in wetlands with tall and dense standing vegetation, often with scattered trees. Prefers shallow, eutrophic waters with level bottom free of rocks or other hard obstructions, and with densely vegetated fringes.

Food. Feeds during early morning and evening on fish and insects, which are captured from a stationary position; also takes some small mammals and amphibians.

Eggs. Unmarked, sometimes with red/dark brown/white stains; ground colour pale blue/blue-green. Texture often with pin prick pores, not glossy. Shape subelliptical/short subelliptical. Size 57 x 41 mm (50-61 x 37-44), weight 50 g (37-60). Much like Grey Heron in appearance.