Egretta garzetta (Little Egret)

Scientific name: Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766)

Bird group: Bitterns and Herons

Field characters. 55-65 cm. A little, snow-white heron with slender neck, long thin, black bill, black legs, and contrasting yellow toes. Adult in summer with very long plumes on upper breast, mantle, and scapulars, forming loose train on latter; 2 long feathers extend from nape down back of neck. Flies leisurely on rounded wings, with head retracted and feet trailing well beyond tail.

Voice. In colony a croaking "kgááár"; usually silent elsewhere.

Distribution. Locally common, breeding colonially.

Habitat. Breeds in trees or shrubs; generally near inland or coastal waters, frequenting open shallows in marshes, lagoons, floodlands and pools.

Food. Chiefly small fish, amphibians, and terrestrial or aquatic insects; occasionally crustaceans, lizards, worms, snails, snakes, and small mammals. A daytime and crepuscular feeder, capturing prey as it wades through the water or by running after it.

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour light blue-green, sometimes fading during incubation. Texture often with very fine lengthwise grooves, not glossy. Shape subelliptical/short subelliptical. Size 46 x 34 mm (42-54 x 31-38), weight 22-27 g. Much like Black-crowned Night Heron, but slightly paler.