Pelecanus onocrotalus (Great White Pelican)

Scientific name: Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Pelicans

Field characters. 140-175 cm. Huge bird with enormous wing-span (270-360 cm). Body and wings white, except for black outer primaries and primary coverts; long yellowish bill with gular sac and fleshy legs. In breeding season, plumage attains a rosy tinge and both sexes grow a short, ragged crest on hind crown. Yellowish feathers at base of neck and red eyes are visible only at short distance. Juvenile buff-brown; immatures whiter and more mottled than adults. Flight majestic, with strong, powerful wing-beats, alternated by short glides; head pressed against shoulders. Flocks travel in lines or in V-formation during migration or on feeding flights.

Voice. Flight-call is a deep, quiet croak.

Distribution. Scarce and local breeding bird and summer visitor.

Habitat. Breeds among dense wetland vegetation in low-lying, shallow waters, marshes, lagoons, and estuaries.

Food. Catches fish through scooping motion of bill and gular sac; practices co-operative fishing whereby birds move forward in semicircle.

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour white, becoming light brown during incubation. Texture rough, covered with chalky layer, becoming scratched during incubation. Shape subelliptical/long subelliptical/long elliptical. Size 95 x 60 mm (78-106 x 53-64), weight 143-195 g. Undistinguishable from eggs of Dalmatian Pelican.