Oceanites oceanicus (Wilson's Storm-petrel)

Scientific name: Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl, 1820)

Bird group: Shearwaters and Petrels

Field characters. Length 15-19 cm; wingspan 38-42 cm. Slightly larger than European Storm-petrel. Also black with white rump, but Wilson's Storm-petrel has longer legs (which clearly project behind tail), pale band across secondary coverts and uniformly dark underwing (sometimes with faint band present). Paddle-shaped wings held straighter than in Storm-petrel. Flight more powerful and direct, with short series of rapid wingbeats followed by a short glide (like Barn Swallow). When feeding, wings are held in a sharper V than Storm-petrel. Follows ships.

Voice. Silent at sea.

Distribution. Breeds in southern oceans on rocky terrain. Regular visitor in W European waters.

Habitat. Like other storm-petrels

Food. Crustaceans; also waste products of fishing vessels.

Eggs. Size 32 x 23 mm (29-36 x 22-24), weight 9 g.