Podiceps nigricollis (Black-necked Grebe)

Scientific name: Podiceps nigricollis Brehm, 1831

Bird group: Grebes

Field characters. 28-34 cm. In breeding plumage with black neck, tuft of golden feathers behind ears. Glossy black head with steep forecrown and elongated crown. Upperparts dull black; sides of breast and flanks chestnut. Bill slim and uptilted. In winter upperparts dark and underparts white; black of crown extends below the eye and over the ear-coverts; bill black with yellow base. In flight with distinct white speculum. Young birds with cheeks more or less dusky and not sharply demarcated from the crown, and with bill less uptilted.

Voice. A peeping call: "pee-eep"; also a slurred trill.

Distribution. Not common within the area.

Habitat. In the breeding season on small, shallow lakes, reservoirs, large ponds which are plentifully vegetated. Outside the breeding season on waters with little or no cover, and on sea close to the shore.

Food. Mainly insects and larvae, molluscs, crustaceans, amphibians, small fish. Prey obtained by skimming water surface or by diving up to depths of 5.5 m.

Eggs. Initially unmarked, becoming stained light brown/very dark brown/red-brown during incubation. Ground colour white/cream. Texture dull and irregularly covered with chalk deposits. Shape long subelliptical/long oval. Size 44 x 30 mm (39-49 x 27-34), weight 21 g. In appearance very much like other species of Grebe.