Podiceps grisegena (Red-necked Grebe)

Scientific name: Podiceps grisegena (Boddaert, 1783)

Bird group: Grebes

Field characters. 40-50 cm. A relatively large, thick-necked Grebe. In breeding plumage shows pale grey cheeks, black crown (with small, black ear-tufts), chestnut-brown neck, and conspicuously yellow base of otherwise black bill. Upperparts grey-brown, underside white. In flight, pattern on wing similar to Great Crested Grebe. In winter grey- and-white, resembling Great Crested Grebe, but neck thicker, with more greyish on neck and cheeks, without white supercilium, and with dark colour of crown coming down to the level of the eye; yellow of bill duller than in summer. Juvenile plumage as breeding adult, including red tinge to neck, but with striped sides to crown and face.

Voice. A high-pitched "keck, keck".

Distribution. Regular, but not very common breeding bird.

Habitat. Continental lowland basins and great plains, favouring relatively small, shallow waters with emergent vegetation; sometimes on backwaters of large rivers or estuaries. Outside the breeding season on more open estuarine or coastal waters.

Food. Chiefly aquatic and terrestrial insects (also larvae); also fish, but to a lesser extent. Obtains its prey by diving or by swimming on surface with head submerged. Larger fish brought to surface and swallowed head first.

Eggs. Initially unmarked, becoming stained light umber/very dark brown/red-brown/orange-red during incubation. Ground colour white/cream. Texture dull and irregularly covered with chalk deposits, becoming scratched during incubation. Shape long subelliptical/long oval. Size 51 x 34 mm (47-58 x 30-37), weight 31 g. In appearance very much like other species of Grebe.