Ficedula semitorquata (Semi-collared Flycatcher)

Scientific name: Ficedula semitorquata (Homeyer, 1885)

Bird group: Flycatchers

Field characters. 12.5 cm. Resembles Pied Flycatcher. Male distinguished from male Pied by hint of white collar, grey rump and more white on forehead, and from both male Pied and Collared Flycatcher in having often (but not always) more white on outer tail feathers and more white in wing. Trenchant character is narrow white bar formed by tips of median coverts. Female shows similar bar on median coverts, but when pale tips worn off very difficult to recognise; juveniles virtually inseparable.

Voice. Call and song similar to Collared Flycatcher.

Distribution. Scarce summer visitor in south-eastern Europe and Turkey.

Habitat. Open woodland.

Food. Insects, caught in typical flycatcher-way.