Ficedula parva (Red-breasted Flycatcher)

Scientific name: Ficedula parva (Bechstein, 1792)

Bird group: Flycatchers

Field characters. 11.5 cm. In summer plumage male has bright orange throat and breast and grey face and sides of breast. Female as male, but without grey or orange; upperparts brown, breast and flanks yellowish, and belly white. Both sexes have white eye-ring, black tail, and white patches at each side of tail-base. Juvenile resembles female, but has faint wing bar. Tail is often cocked, so that white patches are conspicuous. Usually not shy, but rather secretive.

Voice. Calls 'ckick' and Northern Wren-like 'trrrr'. Song clear and varied, parts of it resembling Wood Warbler.

Distribution. Quite common summer visitor.

Habitat. During breeding season in mature beech and oak forest with dense canopy, near glades and on slopes.

Food. Insects, mainly caught in trees like a warbler, but also fly-catches from perch.