Motacilla citreola (Citrine Wagtail)

Scientific name: Motacilla citreola Pallas, 1776

Bird group: Wagtails

Field characters. 16.5 cm. Resembles Yellow Wagtail. Male bright yellow on head and underparts. Neck black, back dark grey. Wings dark with two wing bars formed by broad white edges on coverts; narrower edges on flight feathers and tertials, tail black with white edges. Females with less pronounced yellow and grey ear-coverts (with same pattern as first winter) and sometimes without black neck. First winter plumage resembles Yellow Wagtail, but more grey and white without yellow; ear-coverts surrounded by white; undertail-coverts white (yellowish in Yellow Wagtail); supercilium broader (especially before eye) and dark lore much less pronounced. Habits like White Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail.

Voice. Call 'sree', very similar to eastern races of Yellow Wagtail. Song chattering warble, composed of calls.

Distribution. Scarce summer visitor in eastern part of region.

Habitat. In summer in damp places in tundra, on steppe, or in mountains, in meadows, river sides, etc. In winter on open ground near rivers, lakes, on arable fields, and marshes.

Food. Mainly invertebrates, captured while walking, running, or in short pursuit flights. Occasionally also snails and small fish.