Columba palumbus (Wood Pigeon)

Scientific name: Columba palumbus Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Pigeons and Doves

Field characters. 41 cm. Largest pigeon in the region. Heavily build, with full chest. Plumage grey, with dark flight feathers and dark tail band. Whole chest deep vinous pink. Most obvious characters are the white spots on the sides of the neck, bordered with shiny green and pink, and the white crescentic bar on each upperwing. Bill pink-yellow, iris yellow-white. Often seen singing on top of roofs or in trees. Display flight rising and falling, with clapping wing beats. On migration and in winter often in large flocks.

Voice. Loud and low 'roo coo coo'.

Distribution. Common resident, but partly migratory in northern and eastern parts of range.

Habitat. Breeds in wooded areas, edges of woodlands and half-open country. Feeds in fields.

Food. Mainly seeds, berries, and green plants; some invertebrates.