Falco columbarius (Merlin)

Scientific name: Falco columbarius Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Birds-of-prey

Field characters. Length 25-30 cm; wingspan 60-65 cm. A very small falcon resembling miniature Peregrine Falcon or Hobby but with different, buoyant flight with quick, winnowing wing-beats. Male with slate blue upperparts, black terminal band on tail, and rufous, dark-streaked underparts; nape rusty; no moustachial stripe. Female has deep brown upperparts, whitish, brown-streaked underparts, and tail boldly barred cream and dark brown. Juvenile as adult female but darker with white flecks on nape.

Voice. In the breeding area, utters a rapid, shrill chatter "quik-ik-ik-ik...".

Distribution. Fairly common to scarce breeding bird in northern Europe, Britain and Ireland, and Iceland.

Habitat. In all seasons it prefers open country such as moorland, bogs, heathy brows above sea-cliffs, and coastal sand dunes.

Food. Attacks prey by surprise during low, horizontal flight or by prolonged chasing. Diet consists mainly of small birds caught in open country, struck in air close to or on ground.