Branta canadensis (Canada Goose)

Scientific name: Branta canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Geese

Field characters. 90-100 cm. Large, grey-brown Goose with black head and neck, contrasting with whitish-brown breast; sharply defined white throat patch, extending from the chin up the sides of the head behind the eye. Legs and bill black. Polytypic species comprising of more than ten subspecies. The Greater Canada Goose, B. canadensis, and Lesser Canada Goose, B. hutchinsii, sometimes are considered separate species. The latter has reached Europe as a vagrant as well.

Voice. A deep, resonant, trumpet-like "ah-honk".

Distribution. Introduced in Britain, Sweden and Norway, increasing in numbers and expanding its range in Europe.

Habitat. Frequents lowland pools, ornamental waters, parklands, grasslands and marshes in the vicinity of lakes and freshwater pools.

Food. Feeds chiefly by grazing on roots, rhizomes, tubers, leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds; also on cultivated grain and legumes.

Eggs. Unmarked, ground colour white or cream, becoming stained light brown during incubation. Texture not glossy/dull. Shape short subelliptical/subelliptical/long subelliptical. Size 86 x 58 mm (79-99 x 54-65), weight 220 g (173-240).