Ciconia ciconia (White Stork)

Scientific name: Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Storks

Field characters. 100-115 cm. Easily distinguished by white plumage with black flight feathers and scapulars, and long red bill and legs. Perches on trees, buildings, etc., often resting on one leg; walks sedately with neck upright and slightly foreward. Flies with neck stretched out and drooping slightly, legs extending well beyond the tail; flight slow and with even wing-beats; soars on thermals with rigid wings. Juveniles have black on wings browner and bill and legs brownish red.

Voice. Silent outside the breeding season; bill-clattering on nest.

Distribution. Decrease in northern and western Europe but very common breeding bird in eastern and southern parts of Europe.

Habitat. Builds nest on tall trees, towers, chimneys, ruins, and specially erected platforms. Prefers open wetlands, grasslands, marshes, steppes, etc.

Food. Diet includes a wide variety of animals, such as insects, mice, amphibians, lizards, snakes, small mammals and earthworms. Takes prey mainly whilst walking with head and bill pointing downward.

Eggs. Without markings, becoming cloudy light brown during incubation. Ground colour chalky white/translucent yellow. Texture very finely granulated when just laid, becoming slightly glossy during incubation. Shape variable. Size 73 x 52 mm (65-82 x 47-56), weight 111 g (96-129).