Carduelis carduelis (Goldfinch)

Scientific name: Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 12 cm. Male and female similar in plumage. Conspicuous black and yellow wings; black and white tail; bright red, black and white head; brown mantle. Juvenile with grey-isabelline head and upper parts, with brown streaks and spots. Flight undulating and 'dancing'. Gregarious. Nests in trees, far from the trunk, sometimes in hedges and bushes.

Voice. Unmistakably. A fluent "tswit-wit-wit-wit" or "steegeleet", repeated again and again. Song a canary-like twitter, mixed with call.

Distribution. Fairly common resident, but summer visitor in north and east of region.

Habitat. In open wooded areas, orchards, and parks. Prefers wastelands with herbs nearby.

Food. Mainly seeds, but also insects, especially in summer.