Tichodroma muraria (Wallcreeper)

Scientific name: Tichodroma muraria (Linnaeus, 1766)

Bird group: Wall- and Treecreepers

Field characters. 16 cm. Easily identified by the pink-red coverts on the wings. Long curved bill black, upperparts and underparts deep grey. Round white spots on outer primaries, especially obvious in flight and during constant wing-flicking. Male in summer with black throat, becoming grey-white in winter; female with pale throat throughout the year, but usually with dusky patch on chest in breeding season. Wings rounded and broad, tail short with lighter tip. Flight strongly undulating, together with rounded wings giving impression of small Hoopoe. In summer, usually above tree line, where it looks for food in shadow of vertical cliffs and precipices. Despite bright plumage often difficult to find.

Voice. Rising series of whistling tones 'ti tiu titi tsietsie'. Calls 'tui', 'tsi', etc.

Distribution. Uncommon resident. Migrates to foothills in winter instead of southward.

Habitat. High rocky mountains in summer, usually near or above tree-line. In winter, sometimes in towns, castles, quarries, and ruins.

Food. Invertebrates, often found in deep crevices. Occasionally enters caves. Also catches insects in pursuit flight.