Apus pallidus (Pallid Swift)

Scientific name: Apus pallidus (Shelley, 1870)

Bird group: Swifts

Field characters. 17 cm. In normal light almost impossible to distinguish from Common Swift. At a dark background, plumage slightly paler brown, especially on back and belly, and white throat-patch larger. Flight feathers and greater underwing coverts lighter brown, forming slight contrast with dark forewing. Colour changes with light conditions and Pallid Swift can look as black as Swift, whereas Swift (especially juveniles) can look browner in good light. Therefore it's also important to note slightly more rounded wingtips, slightly less deep tail-fork and different voice.

Voice. Very similar to Common Swift, but slightly shorter and higher.

Distribution. Summer visitor, returns earlier than Common Swift. Common along Mediterranean coast.

Habitat. Occupies similar breeding places as Common Swift and often found together.

Food. Flying insects and airborne spiders.