Puffinus mauretanicus (Balearic Shearwater)

Scientific name: Puffinus mauretanicus Lowe 1921

Bird group: Shearwaters and Petrels

Field characters. Length 32-38 cm; wingspan 78-89 cm. Together with Yelkouan Shearwater formerly considered a race of Manx Shearwater; both species have relatively shorter tails and longer bills. Slightly larger than Manx and Yelkouan Shearwater and less contrast between dark grey-brown upperparts and grey-buff underparts. Much variation in colouring of underparts; lightest birds may resemble Yelkouan Shearwater but show less contrast between upper- and underparts, darkest birds may be confused with dark-bellied and larger Sooty Shearwater.

Voice. Call is different from Manx Shearwater; two contrasting notes instead of a similar sequence.

Distribution. Breeds in Balearic Islands; outside breeding season occurs off Spain, Portugal, France, southern England and sometimes on North Sea.

Habitat. Comparable to Manx Shearwater.

Food. Comparable to Manx Shearwater.

Eggs. Size 61 x 42 mm (58-66 x 39-44), weight 58 g.